Our Key Stage 4 curriculum offers a range of subjects for pupils to specialise in and progress to gaining a number of qualifications. All pupils will access qualifications in:
In addition to these, in Year 9 pupils will be exposed to workshops and information talks to support them to make decisions on narrowing their specialisms to three extra subjects. We offer:
- Art
- Photography
- DT
- Food Technology
- Film Studies
- Creative Arts
- Science
- History
- Performing Arts
For some of these subjects we are able to offer a range of qualifications to support all pupils with their learning journeys. Qualifications are made up of Entry Levels, GCSEs, BTECs and the Unit Award Certificates. Parent and pupil information talks are provided annually to support understanding in the different subjects and different pathways. These examinations and qualifications are tailored to the individual pupils and their particular strengths and interests.
Alongside studying for their own options, the pupils benefit from curriculum input across a range of areas including Relationships, Sex Education (RSE), Careers Education, Study Skills, and Travel Training throughout the school year. Weekly Personal, Social, Health & Economic (PSHE) lessons are also tailored to each group and taught with a specialist PSHE teacher alongside a Speech and Language Therapist. Pupils also work towards ASDAN awards run by the Speech and Language Therapists and have the option of participating in the Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award.
Each class group has an attached Speech and Language Therapist (SLT), and can access support from the phase based Occupational Therapist (OT). The therapists work collaboratively with teaching staff, providing therapy, advice and assistance to pupils on a needs-led basis and making sure all learning is supported through the use of appropriate SLT and OT strategies. This ensures pupils can both access the content of lessons and demonstrate their learning through participation in class, and also supports their generalisation of knowledge and skills across the school context. In KS4 there is a strong focus on developing the pupils' awareness of their own strengths and areas of difficulty and the strategies they can use to support themselves. There is also a focus on developing the skills they will need to be independent in the future.
Typical day in Key Stage 3 looks like:

Our Y7-11 pupils also benefit from:
- Frequent assemblies in KS3 and KS4 where they come together as two distinct groups to learn about different festivals around the world; moral, cultural and social issues; celebrating successes; sparking curiosity and broadening horizons. In KS4, pupils are given the opportunity to present assemblies to their peers as part of their groups.
- Educational visits and trips to facilitate and support learning furthering the pupils’ ability to access the curriculum. Towards the end of each academic year, pupils are able to go on a two-night residential trip (Y7-9), giving them the opportunity to develop their friendships, independence and life skills. In Year 10 pupils travel to Devon for three nights camping in teepees and Year 11 have a fun adventure for three nights to celebrate the end of their Secondary journey.
- Access to the school Library, which provides a range of reading stimuli to support all pupils to be able to engage and make progress with developing a love of books.
- Specialist teachers and departments that provide pupils with high quality resources to develop their skills and passions with purpose built labs, food tech rooms, a dark room and DT workshops.
- Individual targets usually linked with pupils' Termly Targets help to build and support key life and learning skills.
- Opportunities to participate in performances; there is an annual Gym and Dance show, biannual Blossom’s Got Talent, Sports Days and Year 9s take the starring roles in the Winter and Summer plays, supported by the KS3 chorus.
- Wellbeing opportunities that have been developed for pupils. These can be dependent on individual requirements and interests and help to support pupils to develop a range of skills outside the classroom. Wellbeing trips have included, amongst others, visits to Deen City Farm, swimming sessions and graffiti courses.
- External speakers who speak to pupils throughout the year on a range of interesting topics. Musicians are invited into school as well as authors, illustrators, sports professionals, charity speakers, careers advisors and Blossom alumni.
Our dedicated Arts Therapies team. The team, which includes Music Therapists, Dramatherapists, Arts Psychotherapists and an Integrative Counsellor, offer sessions to pupils on a referral basis.