In key stage 3 and 4, the children also have functional skills lessons taught by Speech and Language Therapists and Occupational Therapists. These classes aim to develop pupil’s social skills, expressive and receptive language and overall independence. Topics include communicating with the outside world, integrating into the community, self-care, organisation, health and wellbeing.
Working together, the therapists plan, deliver and assess tasks differentiated to the needs of the pupils, encouraging the children to apply their skills, knowledge and strategies to everyday functional tasks and to other settings.Each class group has their own Speech and Language Therapist who provides advice and assistance to teaching staff, as well as therapy, advice and assistance to pupils on a needs-led basis. Our staff plan together to provide a learning environment in which the academic demands are supported and reinforced by the Speech and Language Therapy Team, and life skills are woven into the curriculum. This helps children recognise and practice these skills in different contexts and reinforces key vocabulary.
Some children may also receive individual or paired Speech and Language Therapy according to their needs.